Aquaponics Fish Systems

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Home Aquaponics Media Bed System

Aquaponics Systems

Dive deep and discover all the types of systems, methods and set ups that are used in Aquaponics. Media Based Beds, Nutrient Film technique and Deep Water Culture are 3 of the most common systems found in the aquaponics scene.

Small DIY Aquaponics Setup

DIY Aquaponics

DIY aquaponics is a great introduction to eco-farming. From media based systems to deep water culture aka DWC and the nutrient film technique NFT, DIY aquaponics setups can be customized to suit any purpose.

assorted tools

System Maintenance

Your aquaponics system will run more efficiently with the right type of care. Water cycling, ongoing checks and tests, as well as regular maintenance and cleaning are part of the fun running an aquaponics systems from home

Aquaponics Plantation


Plants are a crucial part of any aquaponics systems. The plants and flowers that you add will create a living water treatment process that enables the treatment and circulation of fresh, filtered water through your set up. A process that mimics those found in nature, plants help keep the water fresh and clean for you fish. Plus you can eat them too!

Tilapia Fish Small


Fish, another important part of an aquaponics system. These aquatic creatures are what make aquaponics stand out over other growing systems like hydroponics. Getting fresh organic vegetables from your own garden is one thing. Pairing those with a chemically free, totally organic home raised fish is on a whole other level.

Large Tilapia

Product Reviews

Let us be your go to aquaponics source for all the latest and greatest aquaponics information and equipment. Readymade fish tanks, pumps, thermometers, and tools to get you started on your aquaponics journey. Our collection of product and kit reviews are a great way to see if any of the available aquaponics are right for you. Dive on in!

What is Aquaponics?

Aquaponics, combining aquaculture and hydroponics methods together to grow a variety of vegetables and raise aquatic animals (namely fish and crustaceans) together in a closed system. Aquaponics, a word that is derived from the Latin ‘Aqua-ponos’ or ‘water-labour’, works in a harmonious, cyclical way where the selected flora convert the fish waste by-product into nutrients to feed and maintain the plants, whilst also filtering and cleaning the water which is then returned to the fish to repeat the process.

This approach, which creates a process found throughout the world ecosystems known as the nitrogen cycle, uses less water than other more traditional methods, eliminates waste and reduces the need for harmful fertilizers and chemicals that are so common in today’s food supply.

This closed looped, with its clean, green and organic approach is packed with positives and potential for both gardeners and the environment. It’s no surprise that Aquaponics is a beloved method the world over.

Learn more about aquaponics with this detailed article!

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Who We Are

Established in 2020, we provide helpful advice, tips, and product reviews for anyone interested in aquaponics.

We can help anyone who is looking to get started on their aquaponics journey, as well as strategies for maximizing food production, expanding existing aquaponics set ups and everything in between.

Learn about diverse methods for growing specific fruits and veggies, different fish species perfect for an aquaponic environment – reviews on pre-made systems or if you are more interested in DIY, follow our steps to build your own setup at home

Our team at are dedicated to providing up-to-date guidance on everything aquaponics. Fish types, plant varieties, systems, maintenance and care, we have it all – so dive right in now!

Getting Started with Aquaponics

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Welcome to Your one stop resource for everything Aquaponics. 

Are you interested in growing your own food with minimal effort? Are you curious about all the benefits that an Aquaponics System can bring into your life? 

Are you looking for a practical, rewarding and planet friendly hobby? If so, let our enthusiastic team help you get started!

aquaponics system cucumbers

Who Can Benefit from Aquaponics?

A growing system that is potentially as old as the Aztecs! Modern aquaponics has come a long way since then. Combining the best parts aquaculture and hydroponics while reducing the drawbacks such as chemicals used and the potentially toxic water waste products inherent in these other types of methods.

Aquaponics is a great option for anyone who is interested in growing their own fresh and tasty vegetables, raising fish as either a food source, an additional income stream or for show. Totally organic and mirroring natural processes, creating your own aquaponics system can help anyone who is looking to be more self-sufficient, who wants to add another element to their garden or is looking for a hobby that can put food on the table.

Home and commercial aquaponics systems have been gaining in popularity for decades and people from all walks of life are usings the systems. Schools and community programs, individuals, and commercial organizations all over the world are using aquaponics systems for teach, learn, earn, and grow.

Starting from small fish tank setups, aquaponics kits to backyard barrel systems, IBC packed greenhouses and whole aquaponics farms (you can even do it from your bathtub!) There is an aquaponics system or setup that can suit everyone’s situation.

Aquaponics System Types

There are primarily 3 types of aquaponics system designs;

Each of these aquaponics systems comes with its own benefits, drawbacks, practicalities, and cost. They all rely on the same principles of the nitrogen cycle while also minimizing water usage. Using a ‘closed’ system that feeds and waters itself, all aquaponics methods are beneficial for the individual, environment, and the planet.

Aquaponics Grown Tomato

Aquaponics vs Traditional Soil Based Gardening

Nothing brings a picture of a garden to mind quite like, well, a garden. Soil based gardening has been at the forefront (at times at the back, by the garden shed) of human civilisation for millennia. From medieval vegetable patches to Mediterranean orchards all the way up to our modern back yard patches, community gardens and commercial farms – we have been putting seeds and saplings into soil for a long time.

Aquaponics and conventional gardening both produce the same end product, that is, fruits, plants and vegetables. While both can help you grow amazing, fresh and organic things to eat, it’s good to have an understanding of key similarities and differences for each type of growing process.

Growing medium

Soil based gardening involves, that’s right soil. It provides support, nutrients and a home for worms and other beneficial organisms. An aquaponics system has the option of using various types of inert media to provide the structure and stability for plant support and filtration.


Both types of setups use water, although in slightly difference ways. Traditional soil-based gardening uses a lot more than a well operating aquaponics fish system. With more surface area to cover and water, a significant amount of liquid evaporates into the atmosphere. Some studies suggest up to 90% more water is used on a soil-based garden than an aquaponics system.

While an aquaponics set up may use a lot of water initially to fill up the tank, the wastage after that is quite minimal. As the water doesn’t leave the tank (the fish needs somewhere to live after all) very little is wasted, apart from some natural evaporation, the only water being used is being absorbed through the beautiful fruits and vegetables you will be able to grow.

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The time requirement for the upkeep, beatification and harvesting of both of these options really depends on the scope and size of what you are looking to achieve. Practical or a centrepiece? Hobby or side hustle?

Generally speaking, a traditional garden is much easier to set up. Soil + seed + water = garden. Upkeep requires regular weeding, watering, pest removal and fertilizing.

Aquaponics on the other hand has a higher upfront cost in time and money. It takes a little bit longer to get going (although this can be very rewarding in itself – check out our articles on the DIY approach) Additionally, there is a bit more to understand regarding pH and the nitrogen cycle. However, once these skills are learnt and the initial time is invested, upkeep will mainly involve keeping the fish fed, checking the pH once a week and periodically cleaning some pipes.


Again, this really depends on where you are and what you are looking to achieve. Apartment, townhouse, detached suburban house or rural settings will all have different space options and restrictions. You might have a hard time fitting a 1000 litre IBC in a 1-bedroom apartment and it doesn’t make much sense to buy 100 fish tank set ups to fill in your backyard.

Luckily, whatever space you have, and as you are interested in starting your own little self-sufficient journey, there will be an aquaponics system for you. 


Last, but by no means the least, are fish. The most obvious differential between aquaponics and most other horticulture branches – these aquatic delights are crucial to an aquaponics set up, but not needed at all for a traditional based garden.

Adding fish adds an extra layer to your experience. Yes, it can be an extra layer of complexity, But in can also be an extra food source, another income stream or even a hobby for goldfish enthusiasts.

So, which one?

There are a lot of instances where aquaponics may be better suited then traditional, soil base gardening – and visa-versa. There isn’t necessarily a one size fits all, while aquaponics has great benefits and – plants in soil aren’t going away anytime soon – both can be a great option. Having a vision of what you are looking to grow, raise or a achieve will help decide on your best options. If your still stuck be sure to check out our great article which covers everything you need to know.

Aquaponics and Aquaculture

Aquaculture is the controlled cultivation of aquatic organisms. These water farms can be onshore, nearshore, or offshore and grow sea life such as fish, shrimp, and molluscs. Modern fish farms and other various types of aquacultures, like algaculture – the growing of seaweeds – contribute significantly to the food industry that feeds the globes growing population.

Taking place all around the world, from poor and developing nations growing fish in streams and rivers to feed themselves to bigger international conglomerates owing vast on-water fisheries supplying well-known brands – Aquaculture plays a crucial role in feeding our ever-growing population and helps to take the pressure from our oceans to come up with enough calories to feed us all.

The title of this piece might be a bit of misnomer. Aquaculture is aquaponics, just without all the plants. While open to more interpretation and argument, this statement is effectively true. It’s not so much one is better than the other, it is that one is effectively the other just with addons.

The main drawback with aquaculture is the waste, stagnant toxic water – inherent in a process where the aim is to grow as much fish as practical – is not a great environment for most things, especially fish, to live in for extended periods. So, water wastage, treatment and associated costs is a big factor to consider when exploring anything to do with aquaculture.

This leads us to the main difference between aquaculture and aquaponics and the biggest advantage of the latter. When set up effectively an aquaponics system acts as a filtration device, cleaning the water for the fish while at the same time helping the breakdown and conversion of the waste into plant friendly, bioavailable nitrates.

Aquaponics combines aspects of both aquaculture and traditional gardening, that is fish and plants. While also reducing the higher wastage elements of each system: water, toxics chemicals, stagnant water and the like.

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